Thursday, August 30, 2007

WHO AM I??????????? ^_^

1.What is your name?? Ji Min Kwon

2.What's your sex distinction? woman

3.What's your favorite color? white

4.What's your blood type? rh+ O blood type

5.Waht's your nickname? PINK PANDA

6.Why is that your nickname is ?
-Whan I drink alkohol I change the pink face except the near eyes. ㅠㅠ

7.What's your e-mail address?

8.What's your height? 162cm

9. What's your weight? It's a secret ^^;;

10.What's your celluer phone number? 618-203-3892

11.What's your favorite season? fall

12.What's your religion? I'm a christian

13.What do you do in your spare time?I usually read a books or watching movies

14. If you are in front of mirror ??.. Go on a dietㅠㅠ

15.What's your attractive point in face? not special.But I thanks to my parants

16.When is your birthday?It is on the tenth of March

17.How many people are there in your family?There are four .Parants order brother and me.

18.What is your favorite flower? lily

19.Tell ma about yout dance. I love dancing but my dance ablity is bad

20.Say a word to readers- NIce to meet you , and thank you for reading it.
When we meet first , we are in an akward situation but now I'm so happy .
I appriciate what I meet you and I like you ^^


CESL said...

Oh, my god???

This is the one of scary story in my life!!!

Julie said...

Hi Jimin:
I like your post and your blog.
